It changed my life: Lady discovers dad isn’t her biological father after stranger texts her to get DNA test

A lady identified as Lane has given a detailed account of how she got to know the man she had known as a father was not her biological dad.

In a series of posts on Tiktok, the lady with handle @laneiscool14 said a stranger texted her in January and told her to get a DNA test from Ancestry, claiming she had a family she wasn’t aware of.

When she became more uncomfortable with the revelation, @laneiscool14 said she was forced to push the question over her paternity to her mum who admitted that she had a ‘one-time’ affair with another man.

She later went to conduct the test which revealed that the man she grew up knowing as her father was not her biological dad.

Lane admitted she “freaked” when she saw this photo of her birth father and realised how striking their resemblance was.

“About a year ago now, on January 9, I get a text message telling me to get a DNA test from Ancestry, and I think it’s fake. I FaceTime my friend, and I’m like, “Listen to this.” And she’s like, “I swear my gut is telling me this is real. You need to respond.

“I was hoping I was gonna find that I was like secretly exotic or related to royalty, but I’m just English and Irish like I thought I was,” she said.”

Lane said since meeting her real dad, she is estranged from her mum and has not had conversation with her former dad.

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