Interview: Edith Anyalogu makes stunning revelations on why she left Nollywood

Today, we have the incredible opportunity to hear from the beloved former Nollywood star Edith Anyalogu as she opens up about why she chose to step away from the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry. 

Join us as we uncover her remarkable journey and the reasons that influenced her departure from the world of Nollywood.

I left the entertainment industry due to the call of God

You have left Nollywood for years, and it seems it’s a part of your past you don’t intend to return to. Can you share with us what influenced your exit from the industry? Here, you can be as extensive as possible in your response.

I had to bow out of the entertainment industry due to the call of God on my life. It was and remains a very distinct and clear directive on my spirit, soul, mind and body to quit my vocation and serve God and His Christ.

Very much like what happened to Elder Apostle Paul who was formerly Saul. Though mine experience was not so dramatic as his, it was nonetheless prophesied and made known to me. 

Now, I must make it clear that it was not so easy to accept the call initially .

I heard it but simply went about my usual business until God started the nudges. I didn’t understand. Then the little pinches. Then the slight taps….. What do I mean by these … Problems,setbacks, failures and disappointments here and there in my circumstances, health and business.  That’s when the revelations came that I was denying the call of God. 

So I told myself, before you start getting slaps or end up in the belly of a whale, quit and follow the Lord.  There’s been no going back.

Are there personal, negative experiences in Nollywood you can recall now?

Well, looking back now, I can say that the one negative experience I encountered in Nollywood was the issue of some producers shortchanging you or not paying your right artistes’ fees.

Also, the idea; which is a chronic disease of the entertainment industry is airing your movies, even months and years after its release, raking in millions from it without paying the artistes royalties. It’s the biggest swindle.

The industry taught me to be Versatile

Did the industry have any positive impact on you?

Yes, I will say it did. It taught me to be versatile. In my role interpretations, I escaped the tragedy of typecasting. I was exposed to different roles and coached by different directors to interpret them credibly.

Also, I learnt other aspects of production. I produced a gospel movie titled, GLORIFIED. It starred Richard Mofe Damijo,  Edyth Jayne Ayalogu,  Larry Koldsweat, Emma Ayalogu, Ayo Mogaji, Collins Onomor, Austin Mbanefo to mention a few.

I worked as a make up artiste, costumier and even did a stint in the props department.

Your husband, Emmanuel Anyalogu, is a notable name in the industry; how do you cope with his career in Nollywood and your position on what obtains there?

Pastor Emmanuel Ayalogu is a disciplined, trustworthy and God-fearing man.

I don’t have any problems with him doing his stuff in Nollywood. He has mastered the art of separating the intrigues and demands of Nollywood from his home and family life. He is very relevant and respected in the church serving in key positions to the glory of God. 

Concerning what obtains there, thank God he is not influenced by the negative activities. He is able to stand firm on the truth of Christ’s gospel in word and deeds. He also preaches morality and the kingdom of God to those who have ears to hear.

Many of the producers and artistes know him for his stand in Christianity.

READ ALSO: Suara: Nollywood’s ex-star Edith Anyalogu makes interesting revelation on late Super Story actor

I would only return to Nollywood to preach the gospel

What would make you return to Nollywood?

To preach the gospel of salvation to my colleagues using drama and music as the medium. The industry needs more of that genre.

We should have a great number of Christian movies that upholds the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ which has the power to transform and prepare the soul for eternal life.

This is the end of days and RAPTURE is near.

How would you advise youngsters who are dreaming of taking up a career in the industry in the acting department specifically?

Firstly, considering the activities prevalent in the industry, some of which borders on moral decadence; I advise anyone seeking an inroad or career in Nollywood to grab hold of God first and accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour. He alone can help to overcome the allures and temptations that will surely besiege.

Secondly, have a passion for performing and a sense of professionalism.

Do not enter because of money or to be famous. These are wrong reasons for coming to the industry.

Thirdly, do not be desperate to become a star overnight. Pay your dues, learn the craft, work hard picking  up techniques of acting, take acting classes if possible.

Be creative  with your roles. Play each role differently. Remove yourself from any character you portray. 

 Though you need the raw God-given talent as the basic requirement, it doesn’t hurt to acquire skills and sharpen them.

With these in place, you can’t be at the mercy of unscrupulous  producers and directors wanting to take advantage of your naivety.

You will be accepted and respected as a consummate professional.

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As we come to the end of our conversation with Edith Anyalogu, her story serves as a source of inspiration for all Nigerians navigating the complexities of the entertainment industry. 

Her experiences shed light on the highs and lows of her time in Nollywood, offering valuable advice for aspiring actors looking to make their mark. 

With her unwavering faith and commitment to her calling, Edith Anyalogu stands as a shining example of resilience and purpose amidst the challenges of the industry.

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