IGP Usman Alkali: Why we upgraded NPF app 

By Kola Alhassan

The Inspector-General of Police, IGP Usman Alkali Baba, said the Nigeria Police Force crime reporting mobile application known as ‘NPF Rescue Me’ application  has been upgraded to effectively track crime, report emergencies and misdeeds of police officers, among others.

In a statement, Alkali said android and iOS users can download the app to enjoy the different features such as emergency services, crime reporting, navigation, ambulances services and so on.

He noted that the application has an emergency button that  alerts operatives at the Nigeria Police National Command and Control Centre. This,he said, would enable the Command and Centre    assist victims in any location across  the country.

 The IGP restated his commitment to tackling crime and other vices while deploying modern technology.
 He urged citizens to download the application and register their information for their safety.

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