If and when Igboho comes to trial, I guarantee you, the government will be very embarrassed” Wole Soyinka says.

“If and when Igboho comes to trial, I guarantee you, the government will be very embarrassed” Wole Soyinka says.

Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka has advised the Federal Government to stop pursuing Yoruba Nation Agitator, Sunday Igboho as a criminal because they have begun acting in a criminal fashion against him.

In an exclusive interview with BBC Pidgin which was posted on Monday, Wole Soyinka said that, it will be in the interest of the government to apologise to Igboho, telling him “we made a mistake, we should not have acted in this way, you are no longer wanted, please go back to your home. In fact, escort him to his home and let him resume his normal life.”

Soyinka stated Igboho’s mission as to protect, defend his own people and to let the aggressors know that they are not lords of this nation or any section apart from what they are constitutionally entitled to.

He said, it will sound more accurate for the media to say that the Yoruba Nation Agitator has just gone underground to protect himself and also to continue his declared struggle than to state that he has gone into hiding.

He added that he doesn’t like the sound of a Yoruba Nation anymore than he likes the sound of a TIV or Igbo nation but the country must be restructured through the decentralisation of power.

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