“I was a virgin when I married but I have been cheating on my husband with 2 men”- Woman cries out

Woman cheats on her husband |ikejabird.com

A woman has cried out for help as she revealed that she has been cheating on her husband with two men and she is incapable of stopping.

The 31-year-old lady revealed this on NGL (a site where people could anonymously send their issues) stating that she was a virgin when she married her husband at 28 years old but she began having an affair with two other men.

According to her, she has been in three relationships before getting married to her husband, and not once did she have sex before her marriage, however, the frustrated woman can’t seem to understand why she can’t control her libido since her marriage.

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She explained that since she married her husband, she hardly gets satisfied and for some reason has a very high libido so she sought sex from two other men.

Woman cries out as she explains that she cheats on her husband

The young woman confessed that one of her partners is married and the other is a single man who has no idea that she is a married woman. She said that her partner satisfies her in bed more than her husband.

The woman cried out for help as she explained that she doesn’t want to get caught and she had already rejected her husband’s sexual advances 5 times that month and slept with her partners 4 times in that same month.

“I don’t know what is wrong with me. I’m 31 and married 3 years ago as a Virgin. Since February last year I have been cheating on my husband with 2 different men. How can I stop before he caught me?
I had 3 relationship before I married my husband and I was able to resist temptations but since I started sleeping my husband, I don’t feel satisfied. I always have a high libido. One of the men I am dating is married and is good. The single guy doesn’t know I am married but he is better in bed than my husband.
Am scared now because I don’t desire intercourse with my husband again. This month have turned him down 5 times and I have gone to sleep with my concubines 4 times. Please help me,” she said.

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Woman kept N35m in her account without telling husband

Meanwhile, a Nigerian woman has shared an unbelievable story of how she forgot to tell her husband that she had 35 million Naira in her account.

This discovery caused troubles in her marriage as her husband no longer trusts her and accused her of lying.

In her story featured on the podcast known as ‘I Said What I Said’, she called out for help and counsel on how to sort things out with her husband.


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