“I still love you” – Married lady goes to ex-boyfriend’s DM, begs him to come back to her

Married lady goes to ex-boyfriend's DM |Battabox.com

A Nigerian woman who has just been married for three years goes back to one of her exes to cry out that she misses him.

In a chat that was leaked by her ex, the unidentified married woman was seen pleading for them to come back as a couple.

According to her, she loves her husband but she misses what they had, she went ahead to blame her ex-boyfriend by stating that he should have stopped her when she wanted to marry her husband.

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She confessed that she would have had a rethink if he had professed his love for her once again and would have continued with their relationship instead of marrying her husband.

She assured that it was not too late and she was still very much interested in him, the shocked man however denied her advances and told her that he was never going to be with a married woman.

He further warned her to steer clear of cheating on her husband because she was going to lose her marriage from that, he encouraged her that she should build her home and focus on her husband because she was eventually going to enjoy it.

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“I cheated on my husband because he did not touch me for 6 years” – Married woman narrates

In other news, a Nigerian married woman shared how she is on the verge of getting a divorce from her husband after she cheated on him.

In a Tweet by @agbajohn_doe, the woman sent an anonymous message to the Tweep as she explained the situation on her matrimonial home.

According to her, she has been married for 8 years now, however, she had been ‘sex starved’ for 6 years now because she had a complication during and after childbirth.

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