I feel honoured to represent my country, my people – Nigerian man picked by Japanese billionaire for journey to moon

Nigeria’s Yemi Akinyemi Dele aka Yemi AD has been selected by Japanese billionaire and art collector Yusaku Maezawa as part of his civilian crew for a moon flight scheduled to hold in 2023.

The multi-disciplinary creator, who was born by a Czech mother to Nigerian father, made the announcement in a post on his verified Instagram page, @yemialchemist, on Saturday, December 10.

Yemi thanked the billionaire for picking him and described the selection as a bigger honour to represent his people and country, promising “to continue being my whole, genuine self.”

He wrote:

“Dear friends, I have never had bigger news than what I am honored to share with you now. Today, I have been chosen to embark upon a journey like no other: A voyage around the Moon! I feel humbled, blessed and beyond grateful for this unprecedented opportunity to represent my country, my people, my family and all of the creative dreamers around the world on the first civilian trip to the Moon in the history of mankind!

“Thank you to MZ and the dearMoon team for trusting me with this epic mission and for inviting me into your space family. I am committed to bring everything I am and everything I have learned to support my fellow crew members on our mission. I promise to continue being my whole, genuine self, for my life story to date is testament to the power of authenticity to change and shape lives. I will dare to listen and to share, to imagine and create together!

“I extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who has aided me on this odyssey, whether through rooted support or simply enjoying this shared life experience together. I cherish the diversity of our community– a whole galaxy full of intersectional tribes, scenes, cultures and movements– with one, single common thread that connects us all across time and place: Despite any and all adversity we have faced in our lives, we never stopped dreaming, imagining and looking up.”

The billionaire had announced in March 2021 that he would select eight people who would join him in the journey to the moon.

Yemi, born in 1981, is a multidisciplinary creative, social innovator and choreographer who teaches kids, people and organisation how to move into their creativity.

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