I cry anytime I eat American food – Nigerian Man

Ikhide Ikheloa, a US-based educational officer, has taken to social media to narrate how after 40 years he is yet to get used to eating American food.

The Educational officer said that American food is different from Nigerian delicacies.

Coming from a place of rare honesty, the Nigerian man also said American meals does not taste delicious.

“I love America, but after 4 decades here, the food brings me to tears. Nothing tastes the same. Even the beer tastes awful. Don’t get me started on the bread. Whenever I visit home, it’s the food I am there for.

“If you go to the farms in the countryside you can buy beef, goat and chicken that taste A LOT better than the test tube animals in the grocery store. They have hints of home but not quite the same. Last week, I bit into a mango, it tasted like the mango from home, their fertilizer must have missed it. I almost wept. Babylon is not home,” he said.

Pushing further to explain how different American edibles taste, he said even the fruits are also as terrible.

“BTW, I hate the corn here. They have no teeth and are bred in the labs for elders with dentures! I prefer the one at home. I want my mummy!” He exclaimed jokingly.

Ikheloa is popular for his criticism and sarcasm which has earned him both appreciation and condemnation from arrays of audience all over the world.

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