I bring automobiles back to life – Nigerian mechanic converts old-looking Toyota Camry into new flashy car

Nigerian mechanic converts old-looking Toyota Camry into new flashy car | Ikejabird.com

A Nigerian man gave a very skilled mechanic his old Toyota Camry car and it came much more sleek and flashy, having undergone a total revamp.

The 28 year old mechanic who handled the project is known as @wanjohn1. He took to his social media page on twitter to showcase his handiwork.

In describing himself and his skill, he said 

“I’m a COREN Certified Automobile Engineer, Mechanical Engineering and Technology Management. I bring Automobiles back to life.”

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In a thread, he shared how he transformed a certain man’s car, stating that the man must have really loved the car to bring it to him.

According to him, the other mechanics that have handled the car didn’t really do good jobs so the car was brought to him for expert management.

Furthermore in the thread on Twitter, he described the different processes the car underwent for it to be refurbished.

After working on the interior, he carefully peeled the old car paint and repainted it, after which it was put in the oven for about 12 hours.

Automobile magician

The process of going into the oven according to him was to make the car paint firm and sleek. This was achieved.

“I filled the tank of the car as it’s my regular custom. I love to deliver cars with full tanks” said the expert mechanic after the refurbishment. 

At the end of the whole task, everything was set, no Mechanical or electrical issues, suspension systems were fine and there was nothing to worry about.

Upon delivery, the owner of the car was happy beyond words. He gave the mechanic his second car to refurbish too.

The car owner received a complimentary food hamper from the automobile repairs company that handled the revamping of his car.

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Meanwhile, a family in Enugu state has held a thanksgiving service for their son after he successfully built a prototype of a four-wheel drive automobile G Wagon car.

The thanksgiving, Ikeja Bird gathers, was held on Sunday, January 1, 2023, at the Holy Ghost Parish Ikpamodo in celebrating their “God’s given talent.”

Goddy Chukwudi Nwa Eze warmed the hearts of people and became the hero of his people in Ezike Ikpamodo village in Enugu after constructing a “Mercedes Benz g-wagon.”

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