How to achieve a perfect new year’s resolution

By Opeyemi Kareem.

It is that time of the year again! Reflections about the freshly exited year are playing in our minds. Many people are already brewing their expectations for this new year in their heads. You either want to lose weight, be kinder to humanity, get a job or pick up an old hobby. 

“For the year 2022, I want to be financially stable. Last year was hard for me and I had no back up but this year I want to make more and save more money. It is only consistency that can make this possible. I’m going to be consistent this year.” – Bamidele

“I want to apply for scholarships this year. A lot of them.” – Racheal

My resolution for this year is stability and I plan on achieving it by keeping pace with where God wants me to be, properly planning SMART goals and prioritising myself. – Odudu

“I want to bump up my GPA this year. I am actually lucky that it is a new semester. I will have to work harder there is no two way about it.” – Loveth 

“I want to make my first million before the end of this year.” –  Funmilayo 

“I want to be happy and safe this year. I want to take my life more seriously.” – Jide

A resolution is a goal you seek to achieve in a new year. For a successful year you need to have plans, short term or long-term, that will guide your actions and inactions. Therefore, to check all the boxes from your list by the end of next year, you need to have a strong resolution, one that you know you can follow. The following tips will help you achieve an almost perfect new year’s resolution.

Reflect on the past year

The one way you can itemise the changes you want to make in your life is by looking at the things you had done in the past and what you could have done better. To set a proper resolution for the coming year, you should look back at the mistakes you made in 2021 and the preceding years to find out what you want to change.

Set realistic resolutions 

One mistake people make is setting unachievable goals. You cannot be in your first year of university this year and expect to graduate by the end of the year. Your new year’s resolutions should be straightforward and attainable. It should be one with which you believe with all of your heart is possible.

Be ready to put in the work 

It is not just about having a resolution. You actually have to work to achieve it. In setting your resolution, you need to prepare yourself to put in an extra effort to ensure that your resolution is achieved. If ‘becoming rich’ is part of your 2022 resolution, now is the right time for you to accept that there will be no more slacking or laying about.

Be optimistic about your resolutions

Your attitude is crucial to success. You cannot achieve a goal you do not believe in. You need to be 100% positive about the resolutions you are setting. When you doubt your goals, it is very possible for you to discourage yourself from trying to achieve it. It might not be a smooth sailing ride but a positive mind will see you through.

Do not rush into it

There are 12 months in each year. Achieving resolutions are not restricted to the beginning of the year alone. You do not have to rush into all your resolutions at once. Take your time in achieving them. It is advisable to begin as soon as possible but it is wiser to take your time and take things step by step to avoid mistakes. 

Keep up the motivation

It is natural for humans to lose interest in a particular thing if there is no motivation. The way to keep yourself immersed into achieving your resolution is constant motivation. You might feel tired or want to quit but take a breath, look at your resolutions and how better you will become after achieving them. This should put your head back in the game.

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