“He did it repeatedly”: Female medical practitioner cries out to have been sexually assaulted in hospital

Female medical practitioner cries out to have been sexually assaulted |Ikejabird.com

A woman has gone to the social space to table an alleged molestation of her younger sister who works in the hospital, asking social media users to advise her on what to do.

In a series of tweets, the Twitter user explained that her kid sister who is a medical practitioner suddenly called her one day to report that her supervisor sexually molested her.

According to the woman, her sister works in IFPF hospital but was unfortunately admitted when she had heavy menstrual cramps and bleeding, so she was given a medicine that made her very weak but fully aware of her environment.


The plot twist began when her attending doctor stepped out for a few minutes to get something to treat her, then her direct boss who was identified to be Destiny Efienemokwu came in and pulled down her pants and underwear then shoved his fingers into her private parts.

Destiny Efienemokwu

The young woman shared that her sister was weak and could hardly move her body because of the medicine she took but she was well aware of what was going on as she added that the supervisor did it repeatedly.

CMD and supervisor denies assault

After the man’s alegged sexual assault, the young woman told her attending doctor when she came back to the room, and the matter eventually got escalated.

She explained that the hospital’s Chief Managing Director, Magdalene Westerhoff heard about the devasting news but told her that she was hallucinating after she consulted her pastor.

CMD of Magdalene Westerhoff

According to the Twitter user narrating the story, the CMD sent the young woman home with a firm instruction to not tell anybody what she had claimed, including her family members.

The young woman reported the case to the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVRST) and the police, however, she was disappointed when they all insisted that she has no evidence against the man.

The elder sister who is not in Nigeria sent her friend to follow her kid sister to her place of work the next day and upon several investigations, they realized there were several inconsistencies in their words.

The friend asked her attending doctor if she left the victim at any point and she expained she did, the supervisor claimed that he only helped the lady to pull her underwear and pants up after she took an injection in the butt, however, the victim countered that she never took an injection in the butt.

The lady stressed that she has no idea what to do to help her little sister because every legal approach they could take has been taken but isn’t yielding any successful result.

READ ALSO: Sexual Assault in Nigerian Universities: The Story of Osas 

Teacher abducts, rapes student in Jigawa State

In another news, Zubairu Musa, a 38-year-old schoolteacher who abducted and raped his student in Jigawa State has been arrested.

According to report, Musa, a classroom teacher at Government Day Senior Secondary School, Wurno, abducted the student on January 1 from Wurno Village to an apartment in Dutse where he raped her.

In a statement signed by Jigawa police spokesperson, ASP Lawan Shiisu Adam, during interrogation, the suspects confessed to the crime.

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