Haa! While men slept: Mischievous infant cuts off hair from sleeping dad, uses it as wig for her doll

Mischievous little girl cuts off her father's hair and glues to her doll!

A little girl used a pair of scissors to cut off some part of her father’s hair while he was sleeping in the bedroom only to attach it to her doll’s hair.

In the video posted on Facebook, she cut off some portion of hair from the middle part of her father’s head which looked like it had been previously cut by her.

Then she put the hair into a transparent bag and ran to the sitting room, where her doll was placed on the table.

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The doll already had some black African type hair, suspected to belong to her father glued to its head but the little girl was determined to fill up the empty spaces on her doll’s head.

Unfortunately, her father’s hair was the victim!

She applied some glue and began to fill the empty spaces with the hair she had just acquired.

It’s how she glued it to her doll

Next, her father woke up and sweetly joined her in the parlour to play with her doll, unaware of what had befallen him.

The little child decided to try her luck again, this time not caring if her father was asleep or awake.

She picked up the pair of scissors and attempted to cut off his hair but he stopped her, and his eyes were opened! 

What!!! Is it my hair that is on this doll? Oh yes it is. The poor dad rubbed through his head for evidence, and ran quickly to the mirror to check out what his daughter did.

The little girl disappeared almost immediately because she knew she was in hot soup. Children are indeed fun to have at home. But this kind of fun?

Some reactions to the video:

Susan Nduka: “Very funny 🤣🤣🤣”

Omgbrumaye Rosemary: “omg 🤣 🤣 🤣”

Patrick Ekaete Beatrice: “Start warming up”

Azuonye Chijioke: “Not this one ooo”

READ ALSO: How did he get in there? – Little boy’s head gets stuck in between metal bars of a window.

Mother laments at the mess her little boy made

Meanwhile, a UK-based Nigerian Mother gets the shock of her life after she finds her little boy on the staircase with a massive pile of tissue paper littered all over the floor.

Her expression was priceless as she couldn’t help but exclaim continuously in her local dialect when she saw the chaos her son had created.

She narrated in the video that she only wanted to have some rest after a busy day. 

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