Five ways to improve your mental health as a Nigerian

Five ways to improve your mental health as a Nigerian |

By Ejiofor Toochi

Nigeria is plagued with hardships, and many challenges. Despite this, it is crucial to prioritize mental health for a better quality of life and longevity.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 40 million Nigerians, which is about 20% of the population, are affected by mental illness.

However, in recent times, Nigeria has been making significant efforts to address and raise awareness about mental health issues.

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Today being World Mental Health Day, it’s crucial for us Nigerians to improve our mental well-being, in order to reduce the risk of mental health issues.

Here are five simple ways to improve your mental health:

  1. Engage in physical exercises: Evidence shows engaging in physical exercises can have a positive impact on our mental health. When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
  2. Speak to someone: Speaking to someone can really make a difference in our mental health. It’s always good to open up and share our feelings and challenges with friends, family, or a professional. It doesn’t show a sign of weakness, rather it provides us with emotional support and a sense of relief.
  3. Engage in recreational activities: Engaging in recreational activities can help us reduce stress, and increase our sense of well-being. Nigeria has many fun places one can visit with their loved ones, from parks to malls and many others. Once in a while, take time off work and unwind.
  4. Eat healthy: Another way to improve one’s mental well-being is to maintain a healthy diet. You can never go wrong with this as it can have a positive impact on our mental health. Nutrient-rich foods provide our brains with the essential vitamins and minerals they need to function properly. They can also improve our mood, and increase our energy levels.
  5. Practice self-care: It can be challenging for busy Nigerians to find time for self-care amidst their work schedules. However, it’s crucial to prioritize our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. We can start by getting enough sleep, exercising, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing hobbies.

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