Five horror stories we hear in boarding school

People like to listen to scary stories, and sometimes, they hear scary stories about school that can make them afraid. 

However, going to school is a great and exciting thing where you can learn and experience many things.

Some people get scared because of the spooky stories they’ve heard about school, but not all of these stories are true. In this blog, we’ll talk about five scary stories that are often told in boarding schools.

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1.Madam Koi Koi

Madam Koi Koi was a teacher at a secondary school in Calabar in the late 1970s. Her real name was Ms. Caroline Bassey, but her students called her Miss Koi Koi because she liked to wear high heels. She was known for being a very strict and mean teacher who often punished her students.

Some students thought she was very cruel, and when the school didn’t do anything about it, they took matters into their own hands. One evening, they cornered her, tied her up to stop her from making noise, and started beating her. 

They got carried away, and it ended up causing her death. Scared and not knowing what to do, they dumped her body outside the school.

After that, students began to disappear one by one. The student who had hit her with a stone told others that he could hear the sound of her high heels at night, and he believed she was coming for him. But many didn’t believe him and thought he was seeking attention.

One night, he decided to find out where the sound was coming from, but he never came back. His body was found the next morning, and he had been beaten to death.

 The school was closed, and the students were sent home. People from different schools started hearing the legend of Madam Koi Koi – the ghost of the teacher who walks around the hostel, making the sound of high heels. If you hear her, it’s best to shut your eyes and stay quiet, or something bad might happen to you.

2.Bush babies

The Bush Baby is another scary story in boarding schools. Its origin is a mystery. These creatures mimic the cries of human babies to lure people in. When you follow the cries to their source, you’ll find the Bush Baby. You might want to run, but it’s like you’re frozen in place.

Once you’re stuck, the Bush Baby offers you a special mat, and there’s only one of these mats. You can’t say no to it. The creature shows you a lot of money and says if you keep the mat for seven days, all the money will be yours. 

We don’t know what happens if you say no because everyone seems to accept it. If you accept, the creature lets you go unharmed. But what it doesn’t tell you is that it will take the mat back within seven days, and that can lead to a bad ending, even death.

3.Bunk shaker

This story has no known origin. What we do know is that it’s about something that haunts boarding schools.

At midnight, this creature appears and goes after people sleeping on the top bunk. It starts by gently shaking the bunk. The shaking gets stronger until the person on the top bunk wakes up to see what’s happening. That’s when the creature drags them off the bed, and they vanish without a trace.

4.Mami water

Mami Water, also known as mermaids, is often called that, especially by children. These creatures are said to have a human upper body and a fish-like tail for their lower half.

The story goes that Mami Water can lure people to the water and take them away if they aren’t pleased. Because of this, even if you loved going to the beach when you were a child, your parents never let you get too close to the sea. You might want to call them and thank them for keeping you safe.

5. The man with the long beard in girls’ hostels

My mum told me about one story about a mysterious man that has a long beard. The man was said to be standing at the window of the bathroom. He picked the ladies randomly and would lead to loud screams from the bathroom.
While my mum never saw this mysterious man, he is said to make girls very afraid.

READ ALSO: “The Origin: Madam Koi-Koi” – A spine-chilling journey to the past in Nollywood


Many of these stories may be considered to be fiction and used to make students afraid of staying up late at night. Which story can you relate to? If you have any other stories, please share with us.

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