It is few days to the end of 2024 and you will agree it’s been a NOSTALGIC year but how do we stay motivated and not get tired of the whole ‘razz-mattaz’ of getting set for a new year? It is so easy to become distracted, everyone traveling, holiday cheer in the air.
Remember this is the time of the year that many people have “checked out,” started festive shopping, travel and start to spend time with family, it’s most important to stay motivated if all these are not on your plans. You don’t need to feel left out.
1. EMBRACE THE REASON FOR THE SEASON: Make sure to appreciate the essence of the celebration of Christmas and if you are not a Christian, you should be ready to embrace the new year feeling thankful no matter the situation. We know economic situation of Nigeria but still, stay happy!

2. DO YOU HAVE A TO-DO LIST? CREATE ONE! This is a great way to motivate yourself. Write it down and then CHECK IT OFF! It might be connecting with old Classmates and families. Attend that school reunion and go beyond chatting on WhatsApp group. Make a list and see how many you can cross off before the first of thenew year. Remember not to burden them with Economic expenses! You really would not want to get a NO next time.

3. SHARE YOUR NEW IDEAS: Start brainstorming with colleagues, friends and families. Make sure you have the best understanding of yourself and seek ways you can bring the most value to yourself. Trying therapy could be a great start, it’s not ‘Nigerian’ but hey! It could be a great try

4. SET GOALS: Remember to set reasonable and achievable goals for the new year. Not too many, remember, slow and steady win the race. Do not be pressured by friendsand family in setting these goals. You alone can live your life

5. LOOK AT YOUR ON-LINE PERSONA (LINKEDIN, INSTAGRAM,FACEBOOK, X, SNAPCHAT, ETC.): You need to sit back and check if your information out there is the perception you want to create, put your skills, talent, work outthere. Be mindful of your Profile updates and if the existing works for you, SHOOT ON!

Remember to Jingle all the way to a fun and a productive end of the year.
Take some time off but don’t lose sight of your goals.
What are your tips for staying motivated during this holiday? Please share
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
I plan on working in my family’s budget. No pressure from any angle. 2014 has taught me to be financially capacitated. I don wise up. My goal for next year is huge.