Educated babalawo – Nigerian lady graduates from university and becomes a babalawo.

Nigerian lady graduates from university and becomes a babalawo |

A Nigerian lady who graduated with a degree from the university chose to become a babalawo.

Ebere Asonibe, who is Nigerian and of the Igbo tribe graduated from the university with a second class degree and became a native doctor.

She runs a well known herbalist page on Facebook, and her brand is called “Ebere Herbals”.

READ ALSO: Which do you prefer taking herbs or going to the hospital??

According to Ebere after she graduated from the university, she went for different interviews and was called by different firms for jobs but she turned them down.

She couldn’t take up the job because her dead ancestors were appearing to her and compelling herbs not to.

Their instruction to her was to take over the herbalist profession of her great grandmother.

When she tried to insist on going her own way, they interfered in her life and made life unbearable for her.

Ancestors don show o!

According to her, her ancestors will come to her in a vision and show her herbs and where to locate them and when she goes to the bush in the morning she will see the exact herbs.

Ebere said different spiritual leaders tried to deliver her but they couldn’t and she couldn’t continue with the pressure her ancestors were mounting on her.

Eventually, having no choice, she gave in to their pressure and now she uses all sorts of herbs to cure all manner of illnesses.

On her facebook page, she thanked the loving spirits within plants for saving lives and referred to plants as living spirits and not living things.

READ ALSO: Obi Cubana makes Portable his brand ambassador for his herbal drink

Woman leaves job as a beautician and becomes a witch

In other news, a 29-year-old who hails from Swansea has confidently taken a step that many her age will disapprove of as she becomes a witch.

Jessica Caldwell, a former beauty technician, shared her journey of how she decided to leave her full-time job and fully concentrate on witchcraft where she now earns  £7,000 a month.

According to Mirror, the young woman was one day going through Instagram when she experienced a spiritual awakening.

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