E choke: Daniel Regha calls out prophets after Tinubu’s inauguration

E choke: Daniel Regha calls out prophets after Tinubu's inauguration:ikejabird.com

Popular controversial Twitter influencer Daniel Regha has attacked Christian prophets who prophesied about the Nigerian 2023 Presidential election.

Daniel recounted how many claimed prophets raised the hope of Nigerians by reassuring them that Peter Obi will be the president of Nigeria 

But contrary to their prophecies, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu happened to take over the seat from Peter Obi and Atiku Abubakar 

READ ALSO: The show has lost its credibility”: Daniel Regha slams AMVCA over snub of Kunle Remi

Daniel says prophets are fake 

Daniel Regha mockingly revealed that some prophets said Jagaban would be arrested on his inauguration day which happened to be today May 29.

According to him, he stated that some prophets said Asiwaju Bola Ahmed would be arrested before the sworn-in on this day mentioned earlier but fortunately, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has been sworn in and enthroned as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

Daniel Regha further said it is yet another proof for everyone to believe that most Christian prophets are fake.

Reactions: There’s still time Mr man

The post gathered lots of controversial reactions as many netizens went against his tweet. See reactions below:

@jim: He won’t be able to recover from the verbal lashing he’s about to receive.

@Buka: That a particular prophecy fails does not entirely means a prophet is false. Prophet Jonah proclaimed that Nineveh would be destroyed in forty days….But when the people repented, God chose not to bring the destruction upon them as He had originally said.

@CallyGodstime: There’s still time Mr man…the arrest might be in d night or tomorrow morning,rest biko…..PO is my president 

@lzex: Shocking part is we serve same God but men of God see different things and say it’s from God,how will same God tell his same followers different things?

@CryptoD: Yeye Prophet 

@Chidera_Chid:  No prophet sees anything Dev just predict iust like we do on sportbet, GG&OV2.5

READ ALSO: E don come again: Daniel Regha claims government support Dangote because of tribe 

 Daniel Regha and others drag Singer 2face over his view on infidelity 

Meanwhile, Popular Nigerian singer, Innocent Ujah Idibia known as 2face or 2Baba has been dragged over his opinion about cheating.

Recall that during a recent episode of Young, Famous and African reality TV show, the singer said some really unsettling words as he asserted that there’s no man who doesn’t cheat on his wife.

He argued that infidelity is unavoidable and does not mean that the man who cheated has fallen out of love with his partner but a man just needs it to satisfy his sexual urge.

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