Do not pay: First robot lawyer to represent defendant in court

A robot powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) will represent a defendant a court of law, a company Do Not Pay, has revealed.

CEO and founder of the company, Joshua Browder, made this known, saying the “world’s first robot lawyer” plans to take on two speeding ticket cases in court next month.

According to him, the robot lawyer runs on a smartphone, listens to court arguments and formulates responses for the defendant, meaning it will tell the defendant what to say in real-time, through headphones. 

“The law is almost like code and language combined, so it’s the perfect use case for AI. I think that this is the biggest potential for GPT and large language model technology,” the founder said.

He said If the robot lawyer loses the case, DoNotPay will cover any fine.

This is not the first milestone in technology. Over the year, the evolution of AI has seen people being helped by bots to translate text, create art and even write essays

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