Do campus relationships cause more harm than good?

By Ejiofor Toochi Cynthia 

While in the university, the main aim is to get a degree, but unplanned and planned things happen. Some eventually ‘fall in love’ and enter into relationships. 

Dating is now a norm to every age grade. To Sharon, dating is a period to determine if you can get into a relationship with the person, it’s basically checking your compatibility. Dating is for a relationship that will not necessarily be permanent. People date for companionship, maybe credit alerts, gifts, sex and connection.  

While some relationships have been successful, with the couples getting married and having children, some have been rather unfortunate. Relationships can serve as distractions to students. They get engrossed and fascinated with their relationships to the point they lose sight of their priorities – education. The outings, intimacy, quarrels consume them at times. Some relationships have caused deep heartbreaks leading to depression.

If a relationship can cause one to forget the reason they came to school, which is to graduate with good results, being in a  relationship then becomes  a disadvantage. When partners know the main reason they are in school, they try to work towards encouraging each other to do better and the emotional support from their partner can help in trying periods. 

“Basically, it boils down to the two individuals involved,” says Kachi.

Dating in school does have a number of drawbacks as well as benefits. When you’re in a healthy relationship, you’re more likely to see favorable changes in yourself. You’ll gain love, support, good advice, and even fun, among other things, and still perform brilliantly.

When you date in school, you’re in your ‘simple’ form. If you like someone in their simple and purest form and they like you back, you kind of build emotional intelligence. You have someone who can be a friend, sibling and a lover in one body. You’re sure the person is dating you for you, not for your status, or money, and  also not for sex. 

“Dating is a high risk friendship, it can make or harm you. Your lover can be there for you when no friend can, and at the same time, your lover can demand from you what your siblings can’t,” says Emeka.

But in all these, one must ask, is dating necessary while pursuing education?

Toyin doesn’t think so. 

“No. It  can be enjoyable to date in later stages of your education when you are independent and have gone through necessary stages of personal growth.”

But some students believe that dating while in school can be successful with a focused mind and partner and not necessarily, a major distraction and hindrance.

12 Comments on “Do campus relationships cause more harm than good?”

  1. Here are my thoughts.
    – Dating isn’t compulsory in school but if you find a partner with whom you share similar interests, then do not hesitate. Dating without foresight of the future with your partner is a waste of time, energy, resources etc

    – In as much as no one would accept, to date someone even in school, you need to be comfortable financially. “Comfortable” not entirely rich, this is because at the end of the day, you both would need to get things for yourselves or spend quality time and this would be a hindrance. Both parties need to be comfortable, I do not advise anyone to go into a relationship when they know they can’t afford the little of the little things, it might look bad but it’s just the truth. Human wants are insatiable

  2. My opinion: Dating in school is not necessary in any way but if one feels they can then they might go into it, both parties knowing the risks involved

  3. Generally, I will say dating is not compulsory whether you are in school or not. But if you find it, good for you.
    The essence of being in a relationship should be to build each other and make yourselves better versions of yourselves and if you both are ready to take it to the next level so be it.

  4. Well relationship based on love not sex but this generation this days are not just in relationship but into relationship for sex popularity or flexing that they are dating rich guys or hot babes …..Campus relationship sometimes ends to marriage sometimes just within campus area ….Well my advice is that when choosing a partner always choose a partner that no matter the consequences involved even if it doesn’t end in marriage that you guys will till be friends and also choose a partner that you may end up with .

  5. In your best interest, as much as you can, avoid dating most especially in your early years in school.

    Few people have benefitted from this relationship tho. Some became stronger academically, more outspoken, discovered some hidden talents in them and all sorts.

    So as much as there are advantages, the disadvantages could over shadows it. That boils down to it takes two mature individuals to build a beautiful relationship.

    If you know you aren’t and then your intending partner isn’t, my dear flee every form of *Campus Relationship*

  6. Dating in school has advantages and disadvantages. I personally think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages but if the parties involved can handle it then fine.

  7. Here is my opinion:
    Dating in school can be unplanned but it is not imposed and it shouldn’t be done because of peer pressure. I believe a student should reach a certain level in the university before thinking of dating(Year3-5).
    At least, a student would have reached a certain level of maturity to handle both schooling and dating.
    I’m totally not against dating in school. What if the person is one’s soulmate??? 😂

  8. My opinion about this is that dating in school can be very much unplanned for but it shouldn’t be done because of peer pressure.
    There’s time for everything in life.
    A student should never rush into things like this, he or she must reach a certain level in school before thinkinh of dating(Year3-5), at least, such student would have attained a certain level of maturity to handle both schooling and dating.
    I mean, with all the school stress,we all need emotional support(not from our families) at some point.
    Also, we never can tell because that could be one’s soulmate😂.

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