Depth Drought – The Barrier Between Arsenal and The Premier League Title

by Basit Jamiu

Arsenal are eight points clear ahead of Man City, their fiercest rival and the defending champion.

Against Newcastle on Tuesday, they had the chance to move a notch higher. A win would have instantly given the Gunners a breathing space, increasing the gap to 10 points.

Yet, Newcastle held Arsenal to a goalless draw and they both went home with a point.

The problem in Arsenal’s flank maybe a lack of depth. It is an issue that will continue to linger if Arteta’s team do not consider a solution at the transfer window.

It is also a problem, if not surmounted, will cost them the title which they look prime to lift this season.

#Newcastle: Solid Backline

Newcastle’s backline was solid against the Arsenal, a commendable effort from the defensive walls at the back.

Their impressive performance has kept the team at the top since the start of the season, trailing by two points in third place.

It will be foolhardy to rule out Newcastle as a strong contender for the title just like Man City.

They have proven beyond reasonable doubt that they have the quality to stay within the top four for the next couple of seasons.

Despite Arsenal seven point lead at the table, Man City still looks like the only side with the depth to turn things around when it matters.

Against Newcastle, Arsenal visibly displayed a depth drought.

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