Democracy vs dictatorship: African presidents who have held power for over 30 years

African presidents who have held power for over 30 years |

Holding power for many years in Africa is not a new thing and not unheard of, there have been and still are several leaders who have been in power for close to 30 years and even more than 40 years.

Is democracy now a monarch? Where powers are being handed to the children of past leaders. History has shown that many families have held onto power in some African countries for many years.

An example of this would be Alli Bongo, the Gabonese president who was elected for the third time in the country, however, news circulated that a few days after the election he was overthrown by soldiers.

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African leaders who handed power to their children

Before Alli came into power, his father, Omar Bongo was the president before he died in 2009, immediately after his death, Alli took the position of his father as the president when he was elected.

Similarly, Idriss Deby Itno who ruled for 30 years was succeeded by his son, General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno.

In Togo, a country of over 7 million people, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé Eyadéma has been the president since 2005, before he came into power, his father, Gnassingbé Eyadéma was the president who was in power from 1967 until his death.

All these and many more speculations of leaders grooming their sons to attain their positions from them after they’ve left have all brought about a question, “Are Africans practicing democracy?”

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Past African leaders who ruled for many years

Walking down history lane, it has been found that many past leaders have been in power for many years and it seems that it will be never-ending.

 Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia ruled for 44 years before being overthrown in 1974, in like manner, Moamer Kadhafi, Libya’s president, and Gabon’s Omar Bongo Ondimba have both ruled for over 40 years.

The practice of holding onto power for longer term and some even handing down to their children is now becoming a cause for concern.

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5 African leaders who have been in power for over 30 years

1. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo: A politician and former military officer who is the longest-serving president of any country ever, He came into power on 3 August 1979. The 81-year-old Equatorial Guinea leader is also the second-longest consecutively-serving current non-royal national leader in the world.

2. Paul Biya: The 90-year-old Cameroon president, born on 13 February 1933, is one of the oldest presidents in Africa, he has been in power for over 40 years and seems not to be giving it up anytime soon. Paul Biya became the president on 6 November 1982.

3. Denis Sassou Nguesso: President of the Republic of Congo, He has served as president of the Republic of the Congo since 1997. Sassou Nguesso was an opposition leader for five years before returning to power during the Second Republic of the Congo Civil War, in which his rebel forces ousted President Pascal Lissouba. He has been in power for 36 years and is aged 79.

 4. Yoweri Museveni: The president of Uganda has been in power for 34 years and has been re-elected three times following his grasp of power in 1986. He has served as the 9th president in Uganda. He is 78 years old. He became the president in January  29, 1986, after leading a successful five-year liberation struggle.

5. Isaias Afwerki: Isaias Afwerki is an Eritrean politician and liberation who became the president shortly after leading the 30-year-old war for freedom and democracy in Eritrea where they won. He is 77 years old and ever since 24 May 1993, he has been leading for 27 years.

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