Coming to Nigeria: Man overwhelmed as he welcomes Oyinbo lover at Nigerian airport, first meeting ever

Man overwhelmed as he welcomes Oyinbo lover at Nigerian airport, first meeting ever |

A Nigerian man waiting outside the arrival wing of the airport was overjoyed when he met his oyinbo fiancée for the first time.

Indeed ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder’ as the interracial couple couldn’t wait to see each other.

The TikTok video captured the expectant man and his friend on their way to the airport to meet the love of his life for the first time.

READ ALSO: Oyinbo woman flies down to Imo State to wed her young Nigerian lover

The impatient man who was dressed with a white jalabiya and an Arab scarf paced a few times as he waited for his love to arrive.

His friend served as the camera man making sure not to miss any detail of the long awaited union.

Man picks up Oyinbo girlfriend at airport 

After standing a short while, he saw his beautiful woman dressed in a colourful purple gown

approaching with her box.

He immediately started walking towards her until they met and locked in a lovely embrace. “My woman is finally here” he must have thought to himself.

The excited woman went on to give his friend a hug too before she went back to the arms of her love.

The video received congratulatory messages from well meaning Nigerians who admired the love they shared.

@garnet3638: “Congratulations guys I am excited for you both.” 

@FifiHj said: “Lovely couple. Congratulations guys.” 

@user374884: “Lovely couple. Congratulations.”

@Samsonia: “Congratulations dear. God made it possible.” .

@angeebuela: “So excited for you two.” 

READ ALSO: No be Fufu be that? – Hilarious oyinbo woman orders three wraps of fufu with ogbono soup

Oyinbo people rock Yoruba attire, dance to Fuji songs

Meanwhile a heartwarming video of oyinbo people dressed gorgeously in Yoruba attire in a ceremony has stolen the heart of many.

In what looked like a wedding, the foreigners  who dressed colourfully were actively engaged in learning Yoruba culture.

The TikTok video portrayed the rich culture of the Yoruba land as the women knelt down to greet in Yoruba.

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