Christians are overpampered and overfed: MURIC criticizes Governor Adeleke’s appointments

Christians are overpampered and overfed: MURIC criticizes Governor Adeleke's appointments |

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) expressed its dissatisfaction with Governor Ademola Adeleke’s choice of commissioners in Osun state. 

MURIC pointed out that out of the 24 commissioners, only seven were Muslims while the remaining 17 were Christians.

MURIC’s Executive Director, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, accused Governor Adeleke of favoring Christians over Muslims, which MURIC believes is unfair and oppressive.

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Adeleke deceived Muslims 

In their statement, MURIC condemned the allocation of privileges to Christians at the expense of Muslims in Osun State. They accused Governor Adeleke of deceiving Muslims and playing games with their religious rights. MURIC criticized the governor’s actions as lacking honour, dignity, and fairness.

He specifically said: 

“We condemn this wanton blockage of privileges that should go to Muslims and their diversion to over-pampered and over-fed Christians in Osun State. By deceiving Muslims in the state and engaging in spiritual hide and seek, Governor Adeleke has exhibited qualities odoriferously short in honour and dignity but egregiously long in infamy and bohemianism.”

According to MURIC, Governor Adeleke’s intentions were to continue marginalizing and oppressing Muslims in the state. They even claimed that the governor was acting as a secret agent for the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).

MURIC concluded by stating that Governor Adeleke’s deception would not last long, as honesty and transparency are essential qualities for effective leadership. They believed that time would eventually reveal the true intentions behind the governor’s actions.

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Netizens react to Adeleke’s victory

The Supreme Court of Nigeria has officially granted victory to Governor Ademola Adeleke of People’s Democratic Party after several pieces of evidence proved that  the governor won the 2023 Osun state gubernatorial election.

This win was widely celebrated by many people including President Muhammad Buhari who tweeted a congratulatory message to Adeleke and urged the masses to work together with him to make Osun state better.

However, netizens remain skeptical as some believe that the win of Adeleke may just be a plot by the ruling party.

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