Breakfast las las: Nigerian man shares his sacrifice for love’s sake 

Breakfast las las: Nigerian man shares his sacrifice for love's

A Nigerian man gained the attention of online interviewers as he shared the wildest thing he had ever done for the sake of love. 

 He narrated that he bought one of the latest phones then, the Blackberry Bold 6 for his ex-girlfriend while he was using the Bold 5 

He revealed that he did this while he was in the 200 level at the university. Unfortunately, the phone was stolen the next day and he hurriedly removed his sim and from his phone and handed it to his claimed girlfriend just to make her happy

READ ALSO: Dear aunty Chioma… ” – Nigerian secondary school student gushes over teacher in love letter

Next episode of the love story 

@MrMekzy further revealed that he got himself another phone shortly but was sad when he got his own version of hot breakfast.

The guy said he took his girlfriend to a newly built hotel to have an enjoyable time together but his ex spit out the most shocking words of his life.

His tweet was a response to @SympLySimi’s question on what the strangest thing you did for love.

Reactions: You get mind talk this thing 

The tweet gathered lots of questions from netizens. They were eager to know how the love story ended

@Bstuffz: Just bought my babe iPhone 11 yesterday, I dey use iPhone 6 ooo… things we do for love 

@Uzzzz99:  There are things I can’t do no matter how deep in love I am 

@zeetalx: I paid my ex school fees and borrow money to pay for mine, The second ex, I also paid her school fees from part 1 to part 4

@adahorlic: You get mind talk this thing 

@Chideraikech: You were using a 5 and got her a 6? Wow things we do for love.

@lordafellay: Hope you’re married to her now?

@_mowati: I’m sorry I want to know how the relationship ended

READ ALSO: “We got married”: Nigerian man ties the knot with Ugandan male lover 

“I spent all my savings, my business money on her”: Nigerian man shares break-up story 

Meanwhile, a Nigerian man has shared on social media how his ex-girlfriend ended their relationship with him despite everything he did for her.

A Twitter user, @jon_d_doe took to the microblogging platform to ask men to share their worst heartbreak stories.

In reaction to this, @HeartofGod_love recounted his experience. According to him, he loved his ex-girlfriend so much and he was not shy to show it.

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