BBC Staff Who Was Surprised His Boss Spent N1 Billion on House Now Wants to Know The Secret to Huge Wealth

Mazi Nwonwu, a Nigerian man who works for BBC Igbo in Lagos said he pondered on how his Boss spent a billion naira on one single project in Ikeja some years ago.

The Nigerian man said his boss told him he spent N500 million on acquisition of a land in Ikeja and spent another N500 million on building a massive house on it.

The BBC Staff said he had always pondered how people make such a huge amount of money but didn’t think a huge bank account was central to happiness.

“Years ago, an Oga I was working for told me he bought land in Ikeja GRA for N500 million and spent another N500 million to build on it,” Nwonwu wrote on Facebook.

“I remember the only thing I mused about then was not how many times you would gather N1 naira to make N500 million. What I thought was that 500 plus 500 would bring the amount he had spent on a project to 1 billion,” he said.

How Do the Rich Make their Money

The Nigerian Man was not just surprised that one man has that kind of money but was curious how people make that kind of money.

“Anyways, I think a bit about how he was able to make that kind of money, but not too much. This is because I have never been bothered about wealth. I know some people, due to luck, hard work, or wit, will have more money than countries. You can be happy without much money,” he said.

Now, he said, he is constantly thinking about what his Boss told him at the time, indicating that his philosophy about wealth and happiness may have changed.

“Now I am reflecting back to those days and wondering anew: “How dem dey make all that money?” he asks aloud.

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