Baga: Zulum holds impromptu test for teachers, supports them.

Governor of Borno State, Professor Babagana Umara had on Monday met with school teachers numbering sixty five, where he put them to an impromptu aptitude test to determine the level of their qualifications and ability to teach.

Zulum told the teachers that the essence of the aptitude test is not to sack anyone, but to determine their capacity and know where to place them.

Those that have no capacity to teach would be given a choice, either to redeploy them to administrative department or send them for further training.

Zulum said that at the end of each year, every teacher and his pupils will be evaluated and Government will also support them with accommodation and other related services.

“As long as you will make meaningful impact to the society, we shall support you. We shall evaluate you, and those of you whose salaries needs to be upgraded will be updated.” Zulum told the teachers.

After interacting and revealing their aptitude test results, Zulum supports the teachers and principals. @thegovernorofbornostate

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