Association leaders to traders: You must get PVCs

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By Fakomi Olajumoke and Chiagoziem Abosi 

The  importance of Permanent Voters Card (PVC) cannot be overemphasized. Getting it would ensure a capable leader is voted in to direct the affairs of the country. It would equally bring about credibility and transparency during the electoral process. 

As usual, it is that time of the year where all hands need to be on deck.

The primaries of all parties have been held and representatives chosen.

The various Association Leaders in the market have met and resolved that traders are an integral part of the work force, hence it is important they take part in the electoral process. 

Onigbongbo Market Chief Whip (Olopa Oja), Mrs. Elizabeth Ojo, said the market would be closed on election day, and anyone without  a PVC would not be allowed to sell in the market. 

Ojo said those who  decide not to vote would be enlightened on the need to do so. 

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In a subtle sensitisation ad seen on social media, it is a challenge to the educated members of the society who, despite their exposure, have refused to take part in the electoral process. 

Another Association Leader, Mr Nwachukwu John said getting a PVC was the only way to make things change. He said prices of goods increase everyday. 

A trader selling vegetables and yam, one Mrs. Elizabeth Sodeinde, said: “It is important we get our PVC and also vote because you know market women are many, look around we are over 50 on days that are not market days and now think about how a typical market day would be. If we go out in our numbers to vote the right candidate without bias or being coerced, will that not  make an impact? 

“Look at the price of commodities and the state of the country. We need a leader who will show concern to the people,” she added. 

A buyer said: “People have lost confidence in the process here, although I talk to some of these market women I have as neighbours and they have expressed optimism that they believe something good is going to happen in 2023 and this has spurred them to get their PVC.” 

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