Alaga show us the beautiful bride – Oyinbo people rock Yoruba attire, dance to Fuji songs

Oyinbo people rock Yoruba attire, dance to Fuji songs |

A heartwarming video of oyinbo people dressed gorgeously in Yoruba attire in a ceremony has stolen the heart of many.

In what looked like a wedding, the foreigners  who dressed colourfully were actively engaged in learning Yoruba culture.

The TikTok video portrayed the rich culture of the Yoruba land as the women knelt down to greet in Yoruba.

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“Ekaso!” A Nigerian woman taught them to greet. 

The men were also captured learning to dance with their hands held as though they were carrying babies.

These people are living the real Eko life

The onyibos appeared to be having so much fun as the environment was full of glee and funfair.

Different groups danced elegantly led by a Yoruba woman who made no delay in teaching and hailing her guests.

Netizens praised the rich culture of Nigeria and attested to the fact that the foreigners were indeed having a time of their life.

@xavie3737 reacted: “They are loving it.” 

@alyelabola_damllare said: “That ‘shege’ una show our forefathers… we go do. Our own back.” 

@adekunle363 wrote: “The oyinbos having funn.” 

@Klngbuml added: “They look scared.” 

@Xalshax: “They look they are having fun fair.” 

@ghazalzey636: “Making them kneel down at the start is killing me.” 

@Prlnceowolabl10 also: “Yoruba culture is sweet.” 

@Umusumayyah1 also: “Our culture is superb. Alaga show us the beautiful bride.” 

@Savant3673 said: “Yoruba culture is good and sweet.” 

@ChrlstlanAnl also said: “Make sure una dey use cane or chain dey teach them, just the way them do our forefathers that na turn by turn,thm go later speak African language.” 

READ ALSO: Oyinbo dey learn Yoruba: Actor Bolanle Ninalowo teaches white kids Yoruba

Hilarious oyinbo woman orders three wraps of fufu with ogbono soup

Meanwhile, an oyinbo lady attracted the attention of Nigerians when she appeared in a local restaurant and demanded for fufu.

In the video that went viral on the internet, she alighted from a keke (tricycle) after taking some money in her hand.

The oyinbo woman then skillfully crossed the road divider to the other side of the road like a typical village woman. 

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