Age is just a number – 90 year old woman becomes one of the world’s best Karate fighters

90 year old woman becomes one of the world's best Karate fighters

A 90 year old Asian woman has emerged one of the world’s best Karate fighters after bagging 5 degrees.

The woman whose name is Thelma Jones has been learning Karate fighting skills since she was 40 years old. 

She received her fifth-degree black belt on her 90th birthday and plans to go further in the career.

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When asked why she was very interested in the art, she said she has been able to use her skills to defend herself against criminals. 

Thelma Jones stated that karate really does teach you to listen, behind you, in front, and be aware of all things. This is how she has been able to defend herself from criminals

Her trainer, grandmaster Willie Adams described her as a tough woman who does not give up.

Never give up

According to Grand Master Adams, who is 77, many of the people who attend the training sessions are in their 70’s.

“The retire, then they look to karate to get in shape, build up confidence and learn to be slow to anger,” he said

In addition, Thelma Jones hopes to inspire others to maintain their fitness levels as they age.

She said, “Take care of your body, take care of your mind, and think a situation through before you react.”

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PHOTO: Meet World’ shortest man Afshin Esmaeil Ghaderzadeh, he’s just 2ft

Meanwhile, Afshin Esmaeil Ghaderzadeh has been named the world’s shortest man alive by the Guinness World Record (GWR), a Dubai-based record-keeping organisation.

Measuring 65.24 cm (2 ft 1.6 in), the 20-year-old from Iran earned the title after visiting the Guinness World Records offices.

Afshin took the record from the previous holder 36-year-old Edward “Niño” Hernandez from Colombia. The Iranian is said to be almost 7 cm (2.7 in) shorter than the Columbian.

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