After Two years, Custom Agent Who was Wrongfully Arrested Regains Freedom

Headfort Foundation, a prison justice reform organization, has narrated how one Lanre, an Ibadan-based Custom agent, was wrongfully arrested in 2021 at Lagos state.

Prior to his arrest, he worked in Lagos Port at Apapa and was staying with a colleague whenever he visited the Lagos from Ibadan for an onsite assignment.

“In April 2021, Mr. Lanre was at home when someone brought some policemen to arrest his colleague. Unfortunately, his colleague was not at home, but they arrested Mr. Lanre instead, and he was taken to the police station at Ogba, Lagos,” Headfort Foundation said.

Lanre’s room mate could not be found despite a deep and comprehensive investigation.

“The police informed Mr. Lanre that Mr. X breached an agreement he had with the complainant, and they won’t let Mr. Lanre leave unless he produces Mr. X. He was also made to sign an undertaking that if he does not produce Mr. X, he would be liable to pay the debt owed to the complainant.”

When Lanre was unable to repay the humongous debt, he was charged to court on Sept. 6,2021.

“For the offence of obtaining money by false pretense and stealing. He was granted bail by the court and he perfected his bail.”

Also, Lanre could not afford a lawyer and struggled to pay his bail by applying for a loan.

“In April, 2022, the court registrar referred the matter to our lawyers, Busayo Adetunji and Thecla Onuagu at Ogba Mobile office working under our Lawyers without Border project to provide free legal service to him and we began representing him.”

The trial lasted nine months, and the Court pronounced its judgment on 6 February 2023.

“The Court found him NOT GUILTY of the charges against him, discharged and acquitted him. The Court also awarded cost of ₦500,000 to be paid to Mr. Lanre by the Complainant.”

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