Adventurous oyinbo man combines absurd Nigerian delicacies in crazy video

Adventurous oyinbo man combines absurd Nigerian delicacies in crazy video

An adventurous oyinbo man combined absurd Nigerian delicacies in crazy video which got the attention and comments of Nigerian social media users.

The young man is seen in his car with 2 wraps of fufu and egusi soup, alongside veggies and jollof rice.

He compared our Nigerian fufu with potato mash that was tasteless, not until he had it with the egusi soup, one of the Nigerian delicacies known to all the tribes in Nigeria.

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He went on to combine, the soup with rice, the veggies and the ox tail he had gotten.

He added that he drove all the way to an African kitchen in Michigan to try this meal.

He wrote: “Nigerian food for the first time.”

This is wild…..I hope he doesn’t spend his day in the rest room

Netizens were in shock at how the oyinbo guy confidently gobbled down fufu with rice.

@Ugotex Exchange: “don’t combine fufu with rice again.”

@S2less: “Rice with fufu is wild, but glad you enjoyed our culture.”

@Ife: “braahhhh literally ate the fufu with 10 fingers.”

@Ivy_efe: “not the rice with fufu.”

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Meanwhile, a heartwarming video of Oyinbo people dressed gorgeously in Yoruba attire in a ceremony has stolen the hearts of many.

In what looked like a wedding, the foreigners  who dressed colourfully were actively engaged in learning Yoruba culture.

The TikTok video portrayed the rich culture of the Yoruba land as the women knelt down to greet in Yoruba.

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