Selfless Sister: Lady Drains Savings to Fund Sister’s Law School Dreams

By Gbeminiyi Ayokunle

IkejaBird is dedicated to sharing inspiring stories of heroes in our society.

Today, we bring you the remarkable story of Tolulope Abiola, a graduate of microbiology who is working as social media manager, who went above and beyond to support her sister’s education.

My father left us when I was in JSS 2

In an exclusive interview, Tolulope opened up about her family situation and the sacrifices she made to help her younger sister achieve her dreams. “My name is Abiola Tolulope, and I come from a family of six – three ladies and three boys. I am the third born,” she shared.

Tragedy struck the family when their father left during Tolulope’s secondary school years, leaving the mother to carry six children all by herself. However, the relationship between the siblings remained strong.

No University was giving me law

From a young age, Tolu’s sister Ayobami had set her heart on studying law. “I wanted to study law by all means because that was my dream course since primary school. I usually fought anyone that didn’t call me a lawyer and argued with everyone at home,” Tolu explained. However, it didn’t happen, and that situation affected her dreams.

After completing secondary school, her sister, Ayobami wrote the JAMB exam and applied to the University of Lagos, but she was offered a different course, which she declined. Undeterred, she prepared for another JAMB exam and applied to Osun State University, but her desired course was not granted, leaving her sad.

I used my savings to pay for her acceptance fee

When asked why she made the decision? She said her sister really wanted to study law too, but she kept getting rejected from public universities.

“I told her to apply to a private university,” Tolu said. “But she thought I was joking because we couldn’t afford the fees.”

She also opened up about the sacrifice she had to make. “So I used all my savings to pay the acceptance fee, even though I didn’t actually have enough money. I was just hoping and praying to God.”

I had to work twice as more to gather the funds

The road ahead was paved with sacrifices and lifestyle changes. “I had to sacrifice my laptop, working with just my phone for about a year,” Tolu shared, her voice filled with determination. “I had to take on more jobs to raise the money, and I just got used to it.”

In the first school payment, Tolu’s siblings helped raise the money because she did not have enough. The financial burden was immense, but Tolu found strength in the love and support of her family, especially her mother’s prayers. “My mom’s prayers showed up. I don’t know how I did it, but God came through,” she said gratefully.

Despite the challenges, Tolu’s relationship with her sister grew stronger. “We are pretty close, she is like my twin sister. We have a lot in common. Despite the age gap, she is really loving, and she always takes care of me,” Tolu shared.

No good deed goes unrewarded

As her sister approached her final year at Koladaisi University, a private institution in Nigeria, Tolu could see the fruits of her labor. “She is already in her final year, and I have been supporting her since her first year. Thank God, God came through for us. I have more than enough now, and I can even get myself anything I want. The truth is, no good deed goes unrewarded,” she proudly proclaimed.

When asked for advice to others who wish to support a family member’s education, Tolu’s response was simple yet profound. “I won’t force you to do what I did, but helping your family is one of the best things you can do for yourself.”

She is like a mother to me

We also talked with Ayobami, Tolu’s sister, and she expressed her immense gratitude:

“I am so thankful to my sister, I couldn’t have wished for a better sister. She pays my school fees and gives me allowance every week. When our father left, she became my second mother.

Who needs a father when you have two moms? She is so nice, kind, and understanding. She is the best sister I can ever have. If I were to come back to this world, I’ll still pick her as my sister. Maybe I will be the elderly one now, so I can take care of her just as she takes care of me. I am so glad for what she does for me, and I hope one day I can do that for someone or some people.”

Tolulope Abiola’s remarkable journey serves as a reminder that love can overcome even the most difficult obstacles. Her selfless sacrifices have not only paved the way for her sister’s success but have also set an inspiring example for generations to come.

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