You be Jesus abi you no be Jesus?– Kenyan ‘Jesus’ cries for help after members threaten to crucify him 

Kenyan 'Jesus' cries for help after members threaten to crucify him 

A Kenyan self-acclaimed ‘Jesus Christ’ has expressed great concern about his safety and wellbeing.

In a video, the Kenyan man who hails from the Bungoma (yesu wa Tongaren) community, claimed that members of his community have threatened his life.

In order to prove that he is really Jesus Christ, they promised to crucify him on good friday (the day that marks the crucifixion of Jesus in Christendom), by nailing him to a cross and burying him thereafter.

READ ALSO: If Jesus had female disciples

Jesus dey report give police?

These threats frightened him greatly as he could not imagine going through the horrors of the threatened crucifixion, so he reported the matter to the local police.

Members of the community assured him that if he truly was the Messiah, he would rise from the dead on the third day and ascend to heaven following his crucifixion.

Prior to this, he was said to have performed many miracles in Kenya, most recently turning water to tea during a wedding ceremony in Bungoma, Kenya.

READ ALSO: Traffic Officer calls on Jesus for help after entering a motorist car without any offence.

Begging na better hustle o! – Fake deaf and dumb beggar nabbed 

Meanwhile, A beggar who claimed to be deaf and dumb, spoke out of desperation just so a stranger could give him money.

The tall, dark and lanky fellow who claimed to be deaf and dumb in order to beg on the streets, definitely met his match in this video 

It must have seemed like just another day to the young man who strutted the streets begging for free money. He never would have expected to get caught and make it to the news headlines…read more

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