Angry Customers Storm GTBank, Throw Stones at Glass

As cash crunch intensifies, angry customers storm Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB) at Asero, Abeokuta, Ogun State on Tuesday.

In a video that has already gone viral on social media, some male customers were seen throwing stones at the glass section of the bank.


Many of the customers appeared frustrated and visibly overtaken by emotions as they continuously aimed at the GTB glass in order to break it.

Scarcity of currency, both new and old, is felt all over the country as many people have bitterly complained of not being able to withdraw the needed currency.

Yet, EFCC revealed on Monday that some managers of popular commercial banks are hoarding new cash worth hundreds of millions.

Reactions to the videos

Agu Chioma reacted: “Spoiling things will it solve any of Nigeria Problems? Chew, creating more problems in the middle of problem.”

Adebisi Olaotan said: “Why bring this here? Honestly is very unnecessary because this might spurn others to want to do same because it seems our youths are getting out hand.”

Mazi Abe said: “Good….. Now the government will sit up and challenge the banks harder…The rich don’t start a revolution it’s the middle class, then the poor.”

Abiola Oluwa reacted: ” Seem govt has forgotten that hoodlums will take advantage of this situation if they don’t do d right thing on time.”

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