Check this: 2023 WAEC Biology Practical Instructions

Check this: 2023 WEAC Biology Practical Questions

The 2023 West African Examination is ongoing and the WAEC Biology Practical is scheduled for Tuesday 16th of May. 

As a candidate of the WAEC 2023 Examination, you need to prepare and look forward to the exam and that’s why we have helped in providing you with all the necessary information to accomplish your objective of writing the exam successfully. 

Therefore, we’ll be sharing the Biology Specimen for WAEC 2023 here, so that you can anticipate what’s coming and plan and prepare accordingly.

Complete Biology Specimen for WAEC 

2023 Instructions To Schools: 

(A) Each candidate should be provided with the following groups of specimens: 

Group I (For all candidates)

  • Specimen A – Cervical vertebra of a mammal
  • Specimen B – Thoracic vertebra of a mammal 
  • Specimen C – Lumbar vertebra of a mammal 

For specimens D, E, F, and G, you are requested to get four 250 ml beakers and label them D, E, F, and G. 

• Put dry garden soil into each beaker, up to 100 ml level. 

• Add 10 ml of water to the soil in each of beakers D, E, and F 

• Oven dry the garden soil in beaker G and leave dry throughout the period of the experiment.

 • For specimen D, put five viable bean seeds into the soil in the beaker labeled D. 

• For specimen E, soak five viable bean seeds in water for 2 – 3 hours, then remove the testa of the soaked bean seeds. Split open the cotyledons and remove the embryo of each bean seed. Place the split cotyledons into the soil in the beaker labeled E. 

• For specimen F, place five viable bean seeds into the soil in the beaker labeled F and add some quantity of kerosene enough to cover the surface of the soil in the beaker. 

• For specimen G, add five dry and viable bean seeds into the soil in the beaker labeled G. 

• Place all the beakers in a place with adequate sunlight for seven days. • Moisten the soils in each of the beakers labeled D and E with 5 ml of water daily for seven days before the date of the examination.

Group II ( For candidates in Ghana only)

•Specimen H – Cactus plant (freshly obtained) 

• Specimen J – Onion plant (with leaves) 

• Specimen K – Green grass (freshly obtained) 

Group III (For candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Liberia only) 

•Specimen L – Adult mosquito (freshly obtained) 

• Specimen M – Butterfly (freshly obtained) Speci men N – Sugar ant (freshly obtained) 


(i) All specimens can be provided as group specimens for five (5) to ten (10) candidates 

(ii) All specimens in each group must carry individual labels (e.g. A, B, C, D, E, F, and G in Group I). 

(b) More so, it is essential that each idate should be provided with the

(i) All specimens can be provided as group specimens for five (5) to ten (10) candidates 

(ii) All specimens in each group must carry individual labels (e.g. A, B, C, D, E, F, and G in Group 1). 

(b) More so, it is essential that each candidate should be provided with the following materials: 

(i) glass jar cover or Petri dish; 

(ii) four white tiles labeled D, E, F, and G; 

(iii) spatula (four); 

(iv) a hand lens/magnifying lens; 

(v) scalpel/razor blade/knife; (vi) a pair of forceps.

(vi) a pair of forceps 

Report forms 

 Report Forms are also provided separately on which you are required to: 

(a) supply the necessary information about the specimens; 

(b) report on any difficulty in the conduct of the examination; 

(c) report any particular difficulty experienced by any candidate during the conduct of the examination, especially if the examiner would be unable to discover this from the scripts; 

(d) carry out and record experimental observations as directed in the Report Form. 

(e) You must enclose a completed Report Form in each envelope of the script.


As a candidate preparing for SSCE, it is crucial to have prior knowledge of Biology specimens for WAEC 2023. Hence, it is necessary to utilize the information provided above to prepare adequately and cover any gaps in your understanding. Hope you find this information helpful. Kindly reach out to us for further questions.

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