12k food palava: Lady in trending video responds

12k food palava: Lady in trending video responds:ikejabird.com

The Nigerian lady from the viral video, where she ordered food worth N12,000 while on a date with a guy, has now responded with a tweet. According to the video that was trending, the man she was on a date with refused to pay the bill, resulting in an argument. 

In her tweet, the lady expressed her discomfort with being in the spotlight on social media. 

She emphasized that she is a private person and prefers not to be the center of attention and that she prefers only WhatsApp.

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He acted really Bad

After abruptly leaving the restaurant, attempting to abandon her, the lady bravely pursued him to the car park. 

She pleaded with him to settle the bill, revealing that her phone was dead, leaving her unable to pay. Shockingly, he suggested she use her iPhone as payment, belittling her in the process. 

The man questioned her for ordering food worth N12,000, to which she fearlessly responded that she could even afford a meal worth N50,000 without any issue, asserting her willingness to take responsibility for her expenses.

Reactions: why did you wait five hours

Let’s have a look at some of the comments:

@Jazzmhany:Las las You will be fine Doreen, sorry about some boys trying to Embarrass themselves and not you…And finally welcome to twitter, most people here move mad… 

Own your narrative, you will be fine

@pwettyspice:Why did u wait for 5 hours???

@Danjuma_maduwa:Your heart is clean my sister, don’t be carried away by media bullies. Learn from this and move on… best wishes

@Adunguke1:But why on earth did you follow a stranger for a date & consume food of Twelve Thousand Naira in one sitting??

@okehi_pikin:Where you f*cked up is the 5hrs wait,you could’ve just ordered something for yourself and once its 1 hr max,my sister carry your bag and leave. That guy clearly isn’t worth it and I’m sorry you had to find out this hard way.

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Nigerian man shares his sacrifice for love’s sake 

In another news, A Nigerian man gained the attention of online interviewers as he shared the wildest thing he had ever done for the sake of love. 

 He narrated that he bought one of the latest phones then, the Blackberry Bold 6 for his ex-girlfriend while he was using the Bold 5 

He revealed that he did this while he was in the 200 level at the university. Unfortunately, the phone was stolen the next day and he hurriedly removed his sim and from his phone and handed it to his claimed girlfriend just to make her happy

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