10 Alternatives to Spaghetti for Nigerians 

Spaghetti has long been a popular meal choice in many Nigerian homes due to its affordability and ease of preparation.

However, rising inflation has driven up the price of staple foods like spaghetti. A single pack that used to cost N500 now goes for N800 or more in many parts of the country. 

With the economy making even basic foods expensive, it’s important to explore more affordable meal alternatives to spaghetti. Here are 10 options Nigerians can consider:

1. Yam and Palm oil- This classic meal is nutritious, filling and cheaper than spaghetti. It can be prepared for N600-N700.

2. Rice and Stew – Locally grown rice is more budget-friendly than imported pasta. Jollof rice, fried rice or rice with stew make tasty and affordable substitutes. 

3. Yam Porridge: You can easily mix your yam with palm oil and pepper and it taste really good . It can be good alternative for spaghetti

4. Beans – Various types of beans options can be used, the best is the white beans. Using the other type of beans like ‘Oloyin’ may cost you more.

5. Puff Puff and Zobo: One Puff-puff costs between N20 and N50. You can also get Zobo for aN200. This is a really interesting snack and you would love it.

6. Cornmeal – Whether eaten as pap, akamu or whichever way you want it, cornmeal dishes are inexpensive staples across Nigeria. A bowl is around N100.

7. Potatoes – Boiled, fried or mashed potatoes can replace pasta. You can buy Potatoes between N500-N600 and make several meals. 

8. Plantain – Ripe or unripe plantains can be fried, roasted or made into dishes like dodo. Very affordable at N100-N150 per plantain but in a small bunch may be N500.

9. Garri- Garri is also a cheaper option, you van either make eba and buy okro or eat it with groundnut. It should cost you like N250-300.

10. Eba and Waterleaf or Okro: Waterleaf grows in houses and if you have a source that does not require you to buy then you are in luck but if you do not, you could buy this ag N100 from the market. Another option is Okro, you could buy for N100 too, take it with Eba and you would thank me later. Dishes featuring vegetables like okra, bitterleaf, pumpkin leaves or garden eggs provide nutrients at low prices.

In these hard times, it’s wise for Nigerians to explore traditional meals that are not only tasty but also easier on the wallet than spaghetti. With some creativity, nutritious home-cooked food doesn’t have to break the bank.

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